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A Tale Of Six Fatties - You'll laugh, you'll cry.

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  • A Tale Of Six Fatties - You'll laugh, you'll cry.

    Warning: This Post Contain Scenes Of An Horrific Nature. Small Children And The Overly Sensitive Should Not Be Exposed To It.
    Don't say you weren't told !

    So It's our annual guide dog day on sunday. We put on a plant sale, tombola, raffle, sausage inna bun, etc. We do it to raise money for traning guide dogs for the blind. Can't remember why we started but we've been doing it for 5 years now.
    It takes a lot of work and lots of people help out. So on the sunday night I throw a bbq for the helpers.

    This year I thought I'd go with fatties and hot smoked salmon as the main courses. Give em a real treat.
    So friday night finds me fatty making, ready to be smoked up on saturday afternoon while we were setting things up in the garden.
    I'd chosen to go with traditional sized 1lb fatties. Made up 6lb of really great sausage meat and had decided on three fillings with 2 fattys each type of filling.

    Started with a Greek style filling:

    Rolled 2 of those.

    Next I went for frenchs mustard and pickled red cabbage and rolled it swiss roll style:

    That cabbage and mustard tasted so good together I was really looking forward to this one being cooked.

    Third up I started with a layer of mushrooms cooked in butter, added oinion and sweet red peppers cooked in olive oil and topped with grated stilton:

    Six fattys went into the fridge.
    Come saturday afetrnoon loaded up the bradley: 2 trays with 3 fatties each and two trays each with aside of salmon - simple coating of honey and pepper and garlic.

    Look Away Now If you cry Easily !

    And it's at this point that things started to go hideously wrong.
    I made the cardinal and unforgiveable sin of all smokers in wanting the smoker temp to rise a bit quicker than it was.
    In short I forgot about the smokers most important attribute: 'patience'.
    So I added a bit more charcoal to the basket and went back to my workshop.
    20 minutes later my dad shouts: 'somethings beeping !'.
    Odd I thought, no way should the fatties be done yet.
    Gets back to the smoker - and was it !
    Thick black evil looking smoke was pouring out of the thing.
    Yep the bloody smoker was on fire !
    The bung I was using to block the hole where the smoke generator should sit was on fire, the rubber door seals were on fire and the foil tray the charcoal basket was sitting in was on fire.

    The fires were easily put out - but the damage had already been done - forget about the smoker, that's just kit. The food was ruined.
    I tried my best but all the fattys and the salmon (which was actually perfectly cooked) had a nasty black coating. And even after this was scraped off they still tasted of burnt rubber.

    All six fatties and both sides of salmon had to be thrown away.

    Regardless of this disaster, the show goes on and I still had to feed 17 people sunday night.
    So saturday night finds me up till 2:30 am making food for the next day.

    Things turned out well in the end. We raised nearly $900 - amazing considering the weather didn't exactly cooperate. I worked out I was serving a hotdog every two minutes for 2 hours.

    The evening bbq consisted of thai style prawn cakes/pattys, lime marinated pork steaks, ribs and a variety of sausages (I cleared out both freezers and am now totally out of sausage lol).
    Everyone enjoyed it.

    Oh but man, how good would those fatties have been ?
    Closest I've come to crying since my brother in law died.

    And that's what I did last weekend.

    On the good news the first uds is nearly done. And once we've worked out how to improve it - we'll be building mine :-)
    The bradley really is dead this time and I'm going to try smoking with the outlaw next - that CAN'T catch fire !
    Attached Files
    Made In England - Fine Tuned By The USA
    Just call me 'One Grind'

  • #2
    My condolences CA. Sounds like you had it going on, and all for a great cause!

    I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.
    Clint Eastwood



    • #3
      Sorry for your loss.

      I though I was the only one on this forum that did stuff like that.



      • #4
        I think we all have a similar story to tell... bummer deal. At leat ya "got-R-done" in the end!
        In God I trust- All others pay cash...
        Check out the Mad Hunky and products at or
        Lang 60D, The Beast, 18 and 22 WSM, Brinkmann Backroads trailer, Weber 22 Kettle, gutted MB burning watts


        • #5
          Too bad about the loss but at least you got everything taken care of. Better luck next time!
          Smoke Vault 24


          • #6
            ca sorry about your loss...but i got to give you for not giving up and being discouraged to put on a fine meal for the volunteers that helps with such a great event....kudos to you and the volunteers
            Oklahoma City
            22.5 Generic (gettin ready to be dismantle for the Drum) Kettle Grill
            Weber 22.5 Performer
            GOSM 3405gw
            Boomer Sooner Drum
            Maverick ET-732
            Various Cast Iron Skillets and Dutch Ovens
            A-MAZE-N 6X6 Smoker



            • #7
              CA, that's a bummer about your smoker and the fatties.

              Originally posted by curious aardvark View Post
              The evening bbq consisted of thai style prawn cakes/pattys, lime marinated pork steaks, ribs and a variety of sausages
              for the great recovery, though.

              CUHS Metal Shop Reverse Flow
              UDS 1.0
              Weber Performer
              Blue Thermapen
              Thermoworks Smoke with Gateway
              Thermoworks Chef Alarm
              Auber Smoker Controller
              Proud Smoked-Meat Member #88
              "All welcome, take what ya need, share what ya know. " -- Richtee, 12/2/2010


              • #8
                Well that blows duck... It could have been worse too... Good to see you did have a back up plan and recovered...

                I Should Have Been Rich Instead Of Being So Good Looking


                • #9
                  I feel for ya CA, off to a great start too.....Nice save!!


                  The Farm...


                  • #10
                    wow CA what a stroke of bad luck my friend. maybe fore the best. some improvements for the ole smoker when repairs are made.
                    and the best part, none of the food tasted like burnt down house..
                    sigpicWal-Mart shopping cart undergoing heavy mods.
                    nano second fast camo titanium splash proof thermo pen

                    need a larger spatula for early morning road kill removal.

                    As the venomous south American hissing skunk rat is growing fast and needs larger portions.


                    • #11
                      that wasn't the only thing that went wrong that day, although it was hands down the worst :-)
                      After we'd set up the garden: laid tarp down on the grass, set up tables and bbq and awning etc.
                      And after the smoker had killed the fatties. I went back out to the garden to be greeted by this picture (at this point things were just making me laugh - hysterically ? maybe lol)

                      I did mention the weather didn't cooperate :-)
                      First time since I've had the awning it had ever been blown over.
                      Managed to get it back upright where it should have been, straightened a couple of the bent poles and tied it to a tree and the outlaw.
                      Like I say it turned out okay in the end, but if it could have gone wrong saturday it did - And man was I tired come sunday evening lol

                      Smoker Repairs - well got to rip the rubber seams off, what's left of them. Fit a metal stopper plate for the hole (wood bung in a charcoal smoker, not as great an idea as I first thought lol).
                      The size of the unit is ideal for where I smoke - so I'll see if it can be salvaged.

                      But those fatties looked so good and it's the first time I'd made so many at one go.
                      heartbreaking it was.
                      Attached Files
                      Made In England - Fine Tuned By The USA
                      Just call me 'One Grind'


                      • #12
                        great post... bad outcome... my okie heart is torn up with such a tragedy... great job overcoming though... points for that and for helping the blind...



                        • #13
                          dang CA, that sucks. I almost shed a tear on that one! So much good food sacrificed to the smoke Gods.
                          Life In Pit Row


                          • #14
                            Sorry it was such a rough outing, at least you still got everyone fed and can laugh about it now.
                            KCBS/CBJ #56408

                            "Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will always teach you." -Shihan


                            • #15
                              What is that black charred round thing in your hand in the pictures?

