Mixed up a 22# batch of 60-20-20 venison, beef fat and pork butt to make snak stix. Made them with no casing. Packed into stuffer and cranked thru a 5/8 inch homegrown tube onto a plastic tray sprayed with pam and then flipped them onto my grates.
One rack full ready for the smoker.
A close-up...
Into the smoker for 3-4 hours
Some finished product pics.....
Bite size and slimjim size..
Ready to cut some more...
A close up..
It's in the bag....
One rack full ready for the smoker.
A close-up...
Into the smoker for 3-4 hours
Some finished product pics.....
Bite size and slimjim size..
Ready to cut some more...
A close up..
It's in the bag....